It’s always difficult to compress your entire background into a few paragraphs.
Arguably a Classic T Shaped person.
Tech Skills:
Database Architecture/Design, Development, Warehousing, Tuning, Database Administration
Data Science, R
Graph Database, NEO4J
Studying Machine Learning
Website analytics software
Non Work related Knowledge:
Naturally curious, widely read, and knowledgeable about many subjects not necessarily related to work
Enjoys research
Alternative non-Allopathic cures for various “incurable” ailments
Electric vehicles
Psychology, Toxic Behavior, Psychopathy
Documentary junkie
Current events, the real story behind the “story”
Elder Caregiving
Other cultures: French Canadian, various Asian cultures, 3 months in Japan
Entrepreneurship, evaluating business opportunities
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours)
Bachelor of Applied Computer Science
Passed Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level 1 exam
Thank you Rodger for sharing your wide DB knowlegde and experience. Your writings are very interesting… keep it up!
Michel Zaarour, Sr Oracle DBA