Installing and running NEO4J on Windows is a little different from from Linux. Here’s how to do it.
The slides to my presentation: Graph Databases – Overview and Applications
How many movies and co-actors link the actor Henry Fonda from his granddaughter Bridget Fonda? Actually, not many.
Continuing my exploration of DBA_OBJECTS using NEO4J, and Cypher, there can be VERY MANY paths between one object and another. The more complex and interconnected the graph, the number of paths between nodes goes up exponentially.
Here’s how to find the paths to all generations of parents or children of an Oracle object using the graph database, NEO4J and Cypher.
How would you visualize almost fifty thousand Oracle DBA_OBJECTS? Using the graph database NEO4J and Gephi.
Here’s how you can visualize a tree of DBA_OBJECTS
For a Recommendation Engine, which tool would you use: SQL and RDBMS, or a Graph Database?
NEO4J has provided a very functional web interface to find information on objects returned from queries. The relationships can be turned into a graph instantly.
NEO4J can easily do many things better than a traditional RDBMS could. The graph database looks better suited to some applications than RDBMS, or linked lists. For example: molecules, tree structures, social networks, or paths.