The capabilities of cell phone cameras are amazing, performing better than my classic SLR lenses. Here is how I used…
An initial test drive of some Steganography software, tools, and techniques, and how their modifications can be detected with Linux commands
Trying to download a video, or capture a webinar? Here’s how I overcame sound and video issues, and succeeded on Windows 7. Reviews of: Video Download Capture, Debut Video Capture Software.
Nikon CoolScan 5000 35mm film scanner. Intuitive to use. Incredible results! A product that really adds value.
Here’s some great software to transfer analog audio on cassette tapes to WAV or MP3 files on your hard disk.
The slowest part of any computer system is the hard drive. HD Tune is a fabulous software to test their performance.
Colasoft makes a fabulous network analyzer, intuitively obvious and such a pleasure to work with. It installs and works in a few minutes. Highly recommended!
How to configure your Redhat 5.5 server to accept X Window connections. Mobaxterm rocks!
Reviews of some really useful PC performance testing software that I’ve been very pleasantly surprised by.
Why Is Your Software Such Crap??!!! Yes, I do expect your software to work. Don’t you? I expect it to be not just easy to use, but obvious to use. The simple business needs to be, simple. Not complex.