Don’t have the password to get into the BIOS on your Acer laptop? Here’s how I cleared the BIOS passwords.
In Netbeans, over 40%of the XML files, and over 10% of the approximately 6900 files and directories, are concerned with updating the software!
After connecting to Gmail, I suddenly had 30 HTTP connections to Google from my machine. Wow! What info are they collecting? What are they doing with the info?
Colasoft makes a fabulous network analyzer, intuitively obvious and such a pleasure to work with. It installs and works in a few minutes. Highly recommended!
Analysis of Adobe Acrobat Reader Update: How To Finally Shut It Up! Adobe Acrobat Reader likes to update. And update.…
Recently, I’ve noticed that when I use the Safari browser on XP for Gmail, it takes up a LOT of…
Don’t you just hate all those websites that use flash? Here’s some cool techniques to fight back!
Someone has hacked MY email account via Facebook! And I can’t fix it!
Overcoming the malware, XP Internet Security without special software. Lots of analysis. Lots of Thinking. Knowing what cygwin, and windows commands can do. Playing trial and error with your mouse isn’t going to cut it; in fact, it might make things worse.