Oracle Applications R12 is not certified for installation on Windows 7. But here is how I got it work anyway.
Ever try to login to Oracle Apps R12, and get the error APP-FND-01542 on 64 bit Redhat 5.5?
APP-FND-01542: The applications servers is not authorized to access this database.
Here is how to solve it.
Just how many XML files does Oracle Apps R12 use?
The installation guide for Oracle Applications R12 is 150 pages long! And it still requires a lot of searching the web to get the install right. Here is a concise overview of the install, what you really need to know, in about 1000 words.
If you work with Oracle Applications R12, you know that there are a few TOPs, such as APPL_TOP, COMMON_TOP, etc. But I have been able to detail over 200 TOPs!
Oracle Apps R12: DBA Analysis Of TableSpaces, Log, And Control Files
System tablespace is HUGE, compared to other installations I’ve done! 12 data files. Over 19 gigs!
Tablespace APPS_TS_TX_DATA has 57 files, and is about 62 gigs in size.
Continuing my analysis of Oracle Apps R12. This time, the actual files on the server. There are over 1/2 million…
More analysis of the Oracle Applications R12 sample database, VIS.
LOTS of: Objects, Packages, Triggers by Table, and Source Code
The schema, APPS owns: 51284 PACKAGE BODies, 32991 VIEWS, 4183 TRIGGERs
There are over 57 million lines of source code in the APPS schema alone!
I did some initial schema analysis on Oracle Apps R12 sample database, VIS.
VIS uses hardly any primary keys, many non unique indexes, and a LOT of package and triggers.
Lots of potential for data integrity and tuning issues.